Launch of Websites EmploymentCrossing, AdvertisingCrossing, MarketingCrossing, and PRCrossing Brings Limitless Job-Search Possibilities to Professionals Nationwide
Pasadena, CA,—Searching for a job online is now remarkably easier, more precise, and increasingly efficient thanks to EmploymentCrossing, AdvertisingCrossing, MarketingCrossing, and PRCrossing, four dynamic new websites designed to help talented professionals find the best opportunities that match their unique career goals and interests.
Since the launch of MarketingCrossing ( on Tuesday and AdvertisingCrossing ( in March, thousands of outstanding advertising and marketing positions at leading U.S. employers, including many Fortune 500 companies, have been made accessible to countless job seekers online.
With AdvertisingCrossing and MarketingCrossing's staff of hundreds of highly experienced researchers extensively monitoring the hiring needs of more than 250,000 employers across the country, countless new jobs are being added to the sites each day. And since the jobs listed on each site are industry-specific, job seekers can enjoy faster, more targeted job-search experiences.
"We are very excited about expanding the Crossing employment sites to professionals in a number of job sectors. The launch of these companies continues our innovative approach to helping more job seekers find the best opportunities in their specific areas of interest," said CEO Harrison Barnes.
In addition to providing an extensive range of job listings including exclusive notices not posted on other employment sites, MarketingCrossing and AdvertisingCrossing feature in-depth articles and analysis of the people, companies, and stories affecting the influential advertising and marketing industries.
These exciting new online companies are affiliated with EmploymentCrossing (, the main hub for a growing family of industry-specific job-search sites that launched on April 9. Currently, job seekers can visit EmploymentCrossing to sign up for SellingCrossing's, MarketingCrossing's, or AdvertisingCrossing's services.
The Crossing companies are now offering an exclusive 30-day, risk-free trial subscription, allowing professionals to explore the sites and begin searching and applying for any of the thousands of industry-specific positions from across the country at no cost.
The EmploymentCrossing group of companies is also on the fast track to rapid expansion, with the launch of PRCrossing set for April 30. The site will focus exclusively on providing the most extensive range of available jobs from every corner of the public-relations sector. And as at the other Crossing sites, job seekers will be able to explore PRCrossing and its numerous job listings with a 30-day, risk-free trial offer. Also set to join PRCrossing as new additions to the Crossing family of job-search companies are several other exciting industry-related sites preparing to launch later this year.
The development of the Crossings employment sites has been inspired by the success of LawCrossing (, which features the largest collection of active legal jobs in the world, including more than 10,000 positions at top law firms, corporations, public-interest organizations, and government offices throughout the U.S.
Since its launch in July 2003, LawCrossing has become the world's largest legal-career-placement website. The company is another brainchild of Barnes, who also founded the hugely successful parent company of the Crossing employment sites, Juriscape, in 2000.
Mary Waldron, Editorial Coordinator
SellingCrossing, AdvertisingCrossing, MarketingCrossing, and PRCrossing
626-796-1096, ex. 103
About Juriscape:
Juriscape was founded in January 2000 with the launch of its flagship legal-recruiting firm, BCG Attorney Search. Seven years later, Juriscape has grown into an international, multimillion-dollar affiliation of more than 15 profitable companies and 600 enthusiastic employees.