Unfortunate, those looking for PR jobs end up hurting their own cause because they do not do as well on the interview as they should. This is a shame because success on a job interview should not be elusive. So, to make sure you succeed on your job search venture, here are a number of helpful job interview pointers:
Show up on time and dress well: Yes, this may seem like a basic component of the job search and it is surprising how many people falter in this area. Arriving late and inappropriately dressed will certainly ruin your chances at being offered any jobs in public relations.
Always be concise with your answers: One of the worst mistakes that people will make when interviewing for relations jobs is that they will ramble on seemingly forever without any clear purpose in their response. This is often because people will want to stress all their good points in the interview. Unfortunately, droning on and on in excess detail will not help the cause when seeking PR jobs. Instead, it will probably sink you quicker than you ever could have imagined. Again, be clear, to the point, and concise. Such an approach will serve you well!
Avoid Negative Statements: Do not talk negatively about any prior employers. Would you hire someone in relations jobs that were known to speak ill of past associations? Such negative talk does not present a proper decorum and that is why smart interviewees will avoid making such statements or claims. It is simply a lack of class and a lack of manners to do so. Again, this is why such behavior is to be avoided.
Show Interest: It is not uncommon that on a job interview you will be asked "Do you have any questions?" Whatever you do, DO NOT make mistake of saying 'no'. This is a complete interview killer because it may indicate to the person conducting the interview that you are not interested in the job. Always ask a question about the job or company. This will ensure you are not dismissed out of hand.
Give examples of the previous accomplishments you have performed. Generalities are fine in some instances, but they do run out of impact. If you feel there is something specific that would boost your credentials for relations jobs, be sure to make a clear mention of it.
How does that old saying go? Oh yes, it was "honesty is the best policy." This is very true when interviewing for relations jobs of scores of other jobs for that matter. You do not want to be caught embellishing your experience or past accomplishments and you certainly do not want to be caught making anything up. This would just sink you quicker than anything else so always be honest in your interview.
Really, great success on a job interview comes with employing simple logic and common sense to the process. This will carry you a long way towards success.